Plight of the Navigator
If you’re reading this then chances are you know of, or regularly attend, “It’s Meat Night!” – a weekly BBQ club where me and a cozy group of friends gather for meat, fellowship, and the occasional argument over a board game.
Lately, we have taken to watching movies from our collective childhood. If you can accurately identify the picture bellow you would probably enjoy “It’s Meat Night!” If you can quote the line resulting from this scene then you would feel right at home.

That picture exacerbates my feelings about weird 80s movies: They haunt me in my sleep. Actually, not really...I just wanted to use the word exacerbate. Thanks for introducing me to the creepiest horror comedy of all time - Shaun of the Dead. Zombie's rock. My new goal: Finding Seth a Zombaid T-shirt.
6:58 PM
10:38 PM
let's get a post on here with a little meat on it.
4:02 PM
ha! i agree. and some "Links" of sausage to friends.
i kill me.
10:23 PM
i spoke too soon. forgive me. i'll owe you a (beef) pat(tie) on the back.
10:24 PM
Wha happen?
6:23 PM
dougie, please be alive when i get back to austin and i promise to stop living vicariously through your lack of blog postings.
we will exist as ONE.
11:47 AM
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