Just Being Defensive
Ahh the wonder's of the World Wide Web. It's been some time hasn't it? I'm happy to say that I've finally found my way back by means of a new wireless connection via a network card for the ‘ol desktop.
I really must admit that I’ve enjoyed my hiatus from the ready distractions that this sinful box affords… I’ve spent time reading, journaling, working, interacting with real-live people. Also, I spend 8 hours a day in front of a monitor, so it’s been nice to detach myself from a computer on my own time. However, I do know that there are positive aspects to being back online – not the least of which is this blog. A friend asked me the other day if I felt that my blog was dying… ouch… true through.
Another reason I’ve been away is because I didn’t want to pony up the cash for the necessary wireless desktop adapter card. I do have to pat myself on the back a little here. I justified the price of the card as a necessary expense for a defensive driving course. You see… it’s actually cheaper to buy the card and pay for the online course than it would be for me to have gone somewhere and taken it. I’m not sure how I justified picking up three packs of Tick-Tacs (orange), a 30 pack of CDRs, and a Criterion Collection version of “The Life Aquatic” while standing in the checkout line (Best Buy has the most random yet effective impulse-buy section I know of)
I’ve spent the last three hours learning how to be more defensive about my driving. As best I can figure, defensive driving is the states way of making me sit in time out for about six hours for a few bad driving decisions. I think I would have just preferred a spanking or a stern talking-to.
On a completely unrelated, but no less (actually much more) exciting note: Ryan Adams just launched a new website, so be sure to check it out. I can’t express how excited I am about the two shows I’ll be seeing in mid June, but that’s a different post. In the mean time, take a look.

New Ryan Adams website... AMAZING.
11:53 PM
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