My friend Megan just started
a new blog. Her first post was on weddings, and it kind of got me thinking about how girls think about them.
I’ve always equated a girl’s thoughts on weddings with those she might have toward landing the lead of a high school musical. If you disagree, ask yourself how much fanfare the groom gets…

I mean look at this... look at the size of the font on "groom"... oh and speaking of the groom???
If you ever need to pin a guy down, catch him on his wedding day. It’s the one day you know exactly where he is, and he doesn’t have a thing to do other than stand around and look nervous. Now… enter the bride… literally… enter the bride. At my cousins wedding they backlit the rear doors of the sanctuary so that when they swung open the combine effect of the floor lamps and the boom of the organ lead me to believe Christ had returned to rapture only that church in particular. I couldn’t see anything but red dots for a week.
All of this to say, the grooms role is mostly that of a supporting actor… he mainly feeds lines. And I don’t know, but have a strong suspicion that, a girl spends a great deal of time rehearsing the line “I do…” you know… just to get it perfect… (Standing in front of a mirror) “I do” (solemn and serious… suggesting a life of devotion and commitment even through the hardest of times) “I do” (starting high and ending low… suggesting that her heart is just too full of emotions she can hardly express) and finally “I do?” (Inquisitive… as if asking if she is really ready to make such a huge life changing decision… then she probably giggles as if to say “of course I do” and then she might try her dress on again.
Bridesmaids and groomsmen make a good chorus. If you plan it right, they should blend well with the background without drawing anyone’s eye from the bride. Groomsmen are covered… put a guy in a rented tux and he cleans up a little better than he normally would without being conspicuously handsome. As to the bridesmaids, a dress that is not overly flattering will work fine (note: this will not keep single men from checking them out.)
Anyway, I really do have a great deal of respect for the convenient of marriage... I guess I’m just getting more jaded… either that or I’d just like to see more weddings with
musical numbers.