Free at last...
I’ve learned my lesson... I honestly believe that I will be a much safer and more astute driver from now on... Not necessarily because I feel that I benefited from the defensive driving course material, but because I’d rather do pretty much anything than sit in front of my computer and watch small pixilated videos of men with sideburns telling me that it’s important for me to wear a seatbelt that doesn’t even have a shoulder harness.
I will admit that I did slow down for (and when I say “slow down I mean “actually watch”) the drunk driving videos (good call Melody). I think they would have been much more convincing if they would have actually let the people in them drink to a B.A.C of .08 (or roughly five 12oz. beers in the course of an hour for a 180 pound man – see I paid attention).

I have no idea what this picture has to do with "drunk driving", but it's what I got when I did a google image surch for it.
Cats are cute even when they're being held up at gunpoint.
8:44 PM
indeed... though it's best not to think of this picture's aftermath.
2:37 PM
The city of Florence would make millions of dollars if all vehicular violations were actually taken even remotely seriously. I have started a count sheet of how many times I have cheated death by vespa.
12:31 PM
Doug - for the record, I can't wait to ride in your car with you and feel the overwhelming peace of newly minted safety as we jump gears in our Burban Wonderlan.
Nothing like a little Mustang Roar to stir up the good people of Bauerle Ranch. Well, maybe smoking on the roof.
8:59 PM
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